The Terval is a pilot-controlled regulator for medium and low pressure suitable for use with pre-filtered non-corrosive gases.
This regulator is designed such that the devices listed below are fitted to a single unit :
• The main pressure regulator;
• The emergency regulator "monitor";
• The slam shut valve.
Pilots, valve, seat of these devices are maintained independently.
With this solution it is possible to reduce the dimensions of the pressure reducing unit while maintaining all safety devices at the same time..
The regulator can also be fitted with a built-in silencer without modifying the body..
"Top entry" design allows easy regular maintenance without removing the body from the pipeline.
Two versions are available:
• The TERVAL main regulator is of the fail open type while the monitor is of the fail close type;
• TERVAL R both main regulator and monitor are of the fail close type.