西門子PLC S7-1500系列
SIMATIC DP,CPU 1510SP-1 PN 針對 ET 200SP, 中央處理器,帶 主存儲器 100 KB 用于 程序及 750 KB 用于數據, 第 1 個接口:PROFINET IRT 含 3 端口交換機, 72 ns 比特性能表現, 需要 SIMATIC 存儲卡, 需要總線適配器用于 端口 1 和 2 SIMATIC ET 200SP is a 模塊型, scalable, and highly flexible distributed I/O system. With its small footprint, it is particularly well-suited for installation in small control boxes near the machine. The modules can either be plugged directly into an ET 200SP CPU or connected to a central controller via PROFINET or PROFIBUS. SIMATIC ET 200SP can be expanded with up to 64 I/O modules, which can be inserted in any combination. The system provides a very comprehensive range of modules. Many modules are also available with a wide variety of characteristics, which considerably improve the scalability in regard to functionality and price. Thus, in addition to modules with standard functions (ST), modules with an extended range of functions and diagnostics (HF High Feature / HS High Speed) are also available. For price-sensitive applications, there are modules with basic functions (BA). The advantage of the ET 200SP system is in its ease of application, such as through the free selection of the PROFINET connection technology via the BusAdapter, the tool-free wiring by means of push-in technology, improved accessibility of the wiring due to a new arrangement of the spring releases, in addition to the associated conductor aperture and the channel-precise diagnostic functions. The availability and productivity of the machine are ensured by the capability of swapping modules and terminal boxes during operation, the so-called "hot swapping". Interface modules with integrated CPU and PROFINET connections are available for SIMATIC ET 200SP, also in fail-safe design. The functionality corresponds to that of a CPU of the SIMATIC S7-1500 family. A SIMATIC Memory Card is required for the operation of this module.